Page 181 - YB1961
P. 181
JOAN LUCILLE ZAJAC SILEX Engli~h - Education S.B.A. 4; L.S.A. 1,2,3; 1,2,3; Sigmll Sigma T/II/; japallese Project I, 2; "Zaja<:"' . ~'hird gcucrauo» 1\[cD:~niel Bohemiall. . Vi~it.s The House with rcgularicy Avoided June rush ... Sat at senior Sigma table in Freshman year Recruited lcminine econ major so she could ch:1I1ge to English . Care-ztcs . Gave pink hath robe to Good Will. Interested in foreign affairs ... The House. DORIS REBECCA SIi\Ii\IONS Biology - Education Bela Bela Beta 3, 'I; S.£.A. ~, 3, "I; t uuvmurat Sports 1,2. "Doris" "Hildn ... Gees home to the Eastern Shore every weekend Couldn't live without :1ell . Often seen in the grille Loves biology I~lbs : Always on the go ... Talks a mile a minute .. Avoids Snuu-duy classes. Early to bed ... Hardly ever studies Private Peer Party . Five o'clock breakfast at wincholt's. JACQUELINE HOPE SIMi\·IONS Hiscor y . Education -" :1; Pi Mil. Cluv I, 3; SEA. I, 3, S.C.A. I; I, Mu; Follies; ALOHA. "jackie" .. A l'uurre history teacher-c-Whitfield style A crochet fiend. Big D Iddy s number one fan Loves bridge almost as much as her books. . Freshman roomie in her senior "]'11 rcver get all this work done" Turned JlISt in time La vote. 177
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