Page 152 - YB1961
P. 152
STUART RAY :BUCKINGHA1\J Pre-Med t ntramucat Sports 4; Rifle Team I; Comma 4); I.F.C. 3. "Ray" .~roud owner of a white MG . Neal dresser QUIet and lnendly Active day student for Gamma Bets \Vas impressed with armv life at FL Meade . Plans lor medical school. Seems to have a liking for nitric acid . A white i\'rG and red hair is a tough combination for girls to beat. MARTHA ELIZABETH BUTLER Economics "Beth" ... Mcljaniel's little fire cluef . . Refused to spend time in Labor "Jeep, we've got to get organized tomorrow." ... Never enough time . Co-owner of 93 skunks. . Dr. Price's prodigy. "You need a nap." .. Studied sometimes . Saved by proportioned clothes ... Hopes to get back to Europe some day. EL.!ZABETH ANN CAIRNS History. Education Pi Gamma Jl-'lu '1; Fvenclc 2; Home Economics Club 1; SEA. 3, 4>' L.S.A. '1; oeu« Kflppa. "LA." Mcljnniel's stat boarder and grille's best customer (or three years.. Finally joined the dining hall caters .. "Shermie" ... President and social leader of the Grille Group . One of Dr. Whitfield's maidens. "Champagne taste, beer pocketbook" .. "It shocks my mid-Victorhm upbringing." Sells antiques in her spare time.
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