Page 140 - YB1961
P. 140
" ... AND THE HILL WILL REMEMBER OUR NAME" It takes a Full year La become accustomed together the ribbons of friendship that [or so to being a senior-to gel used to walking out long had blown about in the breeze of school first from assembly, remembering tha r last activity. Almost impulsively, we smiled more familiar faces hnve graduated, and wear- often than usual and began shaking everyone's a mortarboard that insists on slipping hand. ear. This last vcat- all the Hill found What did it all mean? Superficially, this liS Lossing coins in Old Main's cornerstone, was the culmination of Four work and reminiscing about Summer Camp, enjoying play in a scenic CHllpUS memories of autonuuic Lite leaves, and finally initiating Old Main, autumn colors, ami chapel chimes honor system. Older tra- had become a p.ut of us. Far more, however, ditions on special meaning, too-c.Home- our life at Western Maryland had helped to coming \Vcckcnd, Christmas banquet. senior shape the attitudes and knowledge we would investiture, and even the kiss under Memorial bring to a world crying [or respou- Arch all secured to remind LIS that time was siblc citizens. Not one us could leave the ueeplng But we worked 011 through SLU- counnencement platform withouc thinking dent Iootball practice, and Graduate that all peoples of the world needed to under Record Exams to it spring that had arrived "I! stand the same fruits of peaceful co-operation toO soon 1:01' us. Somewhere between Rose that our own class had experienced after four Cup and trying on grnduauon gOWllS, we tied years at Western Maryland College. 136
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