Page 132 - YB1961
P. 132
"WE'RE THE CLASS OF '61 ••• " Four years ago, western Maryland College peering throug-h the smoky-blue atmosphere was a strange campus La most of us. Centered of the rec hall trying to find someone on the around the hub of Old Main, the Hill seemed, other.side of tile room or make our way to in those first weeks 0(' school, a whirl of green the Ping-pong table. and gold beanies,_ rat court, early morning classes, and late afternoon labs. when the freshness of these customs began to wear off, we started a few of our own: But there was also time for relaxation- we launched a japanese weekend for campus time to stop and chat in the office with Mrs. clean-lip and were more than secretly proud Veale or ]1"'1'5_ J; time for surprise candle- when some or our own class members pre- light,serenades by the fraternities; and time, serued an Easter play for the campus. too, lor all willing young men to be initialed into the "line-up" outside our dining hall. \,Vith the innovation or attendance cards, we were pleasantly surprised at being able to As the year moved on we became better ac- take our scats anywhere we wished in the new quainted with our new home: we tacked crum- Baker Memor-ial Chapel. And, if the truth be pled beanies on our Homecoming float; we known, this same sense of chang-e remained discovered the joys or our first Christmas va- with LIS when it was time to go home that cation-followed by the headache of exams; June. we had only begun to introduce our- and we even grew somewhat accustomed to selves to the Hill. 128
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