Page 62 - YB1960
P. 62
CHAHLES WILLIAM PUGH History - Education Comma Beta Chi; I.F.C. 3. 4; Gold Bug 1, 2, 3, 4 (News Editor 3, Managing Editor 4); Rifle Team 3, 4 (Business Manager 3, 4); College Plcnjers 3, 4; ALOHA 4 (As~oci(/te Editor 4); Studen/. Leadership Conference 4; Junior Follies, RO.A. 4; F.A.C. 4; Le Cercie Francois 1, 2; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Cabinet 2, 4); l.RC. 1, 2; SEA. 4 "The Great Pugh" .. Often confused with a certain political science professor ... "A man of my position in the community!" One of the Officer's Club boys at summer camp. Made cool trip home from [ohnuy's The boob in the Gold Bug .. Winnie the Pooh. BARBARA WILLIS HEED English - Education Phi Alpha Mn (Altn1!ni Secretary 3); Choir 1, 2; llltr(Jllwral Sports 1,2; S.E.A. 3. "Barbe" Dream wedding, dream marriage .. Flowers from Cornelius . Four years of college in three. Big ten .. An- nual pe~ny collector for the Audobon Society ... Counted each day until September 12, 1959 Samuel ... Eight hours of sleep each night ... Wedding file was larger than visual aids file Procrastinator plus. BIRGE DOUTHITT RETCHARD, JR English Gamma Beta Chi; Choir 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Rifle 2, 3, 4; Beta Beta Beta 2, 3, 4; R.O.A. 3, 4 (President 4); ALOHA 4 (Sports Edito'r); Albert NO'I'IIl(Hl Ward Dorm President 4; Tudor Singers 4; D.lIf.S. 4; F.A.C. 4 (Co-Chairman); lntramurals 3, 4; Who's Who. ~~~~~l~~ l~i~J;;':_~~d~~~t~a':·e~~aw~~':t~~.~~~~~,tup .E1L~;~I~?t~~I~1 because he heard western Maryland's R.O.T.G. unit was sharper ... Dining hall pianist with a repertoire of one thousand guitar songs won't forget twenty-first birthday.
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