Page 217 - YB1960
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lill ROSTER OF MEN STUDENTS 1:11 Abel, E. C.• J,._21)4 Wimer' Ave.• W.. tminstel', MIL Iloher. M. G.-S700 Columbus Dr .• ll"ltimore 15. Mel I, 1:~;:~o~·.~.:i.~-;:~4S~::~:.t~~~~:·::~~::~:~e;\~:t.1.~~~;~tj.~~~~~tMe~~~~~;ea~v~_:'i~;;v~;·i~~~i,,~:I;"d. Allwine. J. D.-3IW W Pl.. WMhington 20, D. C. I I 1~;~~st.e~~.~·.~5~·~7~Or~~~1:kL~~.~,:~~~~::~~e"2~~':J~ Rorden, R. C.• Jr,-I'ront St.. Cro".wicko. N. J. Bowen. J. £._414 Tnlhott Ave.. LaLJrel. MIl Font" LHr.e. Ilaltimore 15. Md Alpe,."t"i". A. S.-3710 ~:~~'.~:~:=:~;~cSI:;'rf:~~ri~~:.~~lhe'd"14, Md I ,'Ander.on, M_S.-Box 67. R.F.D. #', En.ton, Md. IlrnnolT. R. S.-3300 Hi",hlnl\(! ltd.. ChamberSburg, Pn Lee COllrt. Baltimore a. Md Anderwn. P. R.-o171 Mnnnillg PL. Wn"hing\on 16. D. C. Brehm. J, P.-140 Ilrohllwn. p.. Jr.-H Arbllugh. Ii:. A._205 S. Main St.. Ma"ch""ter, M,I ..mbrooks Uiv,l.. Cambridge, Md. I,ll Andrion, H. W.-1Q2 Sulliv..n Ave., Westminster, Md, Brockelbank, T. A.-Lindenhur.t Rei.. N~wtown, PII. A,."e"ault, M. A._I022 H;,;hview Ave.. Capitol Height., Md Ilrooke. J. C.-ISIO New HRml,"hire A"e., As"y, R. G.-39 W. Main St.. Wrighf.>ltown,N. J Wa.hington 6, D. G. J. 1l._3916 Mortimer Ave" Baltimore 15, Md. Drown, A. F.-12:lo N. 21st St" Camden s. N. J. BaCH.,A. J._3317 Highwood Dr., Wa.hington 20, D. C. Brown. C. M. Ill-R.F.D. #1. Box 201;\.Annapolis, Md Ilneas, H. J.-3317 Hi>odDr.. Washing!o" 20, D. C. Brown, L. E.. Jr.-Leonardtown, M,I Baile, J. E._New Wind.or, Md. Brown, W. J.-]!;07 N. HKrri80n St., Wilmington 6. Del. Bnrnes, D. E.-Rt. #2, Mt. Airy, Md Browning, H. F.-R.~'.D. #1, Mt. Airy, Md Bnrnhs.rt, K. M.-R.Jo'.D. #1. M..nche,ter, Md. Bruce. M. W.-100 Shaeffer Ave.. We.tminotcr, Md. Bateman, C. W.-Ih. #1. ~'inksburK, Md. Brynn, J. A.-lOa Tm,bridler., W._R. D. #2. Westminster, Md. I !:Ii"er,L. C.-3157 Woo'!rin" Ave.. Raltimo..., 14, Md. Chaml>er.•, W. E. Ill-Itt. #1. !lox 99, Libel·ty Rd.. Blackburn, J. A._Box 45, Colora, Md. ~·~der"l"bur",.Md. Blizzard, J. 0., Jr.-I04 ShaetTe' Ave.. We.,tmi""ter, M,l. ChnnltJer, C. f'.-20o Sullivan Ave.. We.;;', Md lJlood.worth, C. L.-709 Lake.ide Dr., Snli.hury. Md Gh""e, L. S.-621 Prospect Ave.. Little Silver, N. J. Blumenthal, A. P.-:l406 LabYrinth Rri.. Baltimore 15, Md Cherrix. A. F.-R.F.D. :i::l. Snow Hill, Md. Congratulations Class oj '60 We invite you to make use of the facilities offered by this store, whether it be to shop with us, to meet your Dinners .. , friends at Murphy's, or to seek employment with our Company, in the event that Beverages ... you decide upon a retail G, C. MURPHY COMPANY dJOIu?4ijnn Westminster's Leading Store STEWART N. DUTTERER u S. ROUTE 140 II: 2 Miles West of Reisterstown FLORIST Floral Designs - Center Pieces Closed Monday Everything for that Wedding, Party II or Grand Occasion 114 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE II: TILDEN 8-9350 BEA CORNELL EDDIE CORNELL I: I
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