Page 178 - YB1960
P. 178
Now what do I wunt for Christmas? Not long after the Thanksgiving recess, the fraternity on the Friday before vacation. Fea- campus began to take on the bright hues of turing a snowman as the center piece for the Christmas. Activity reigned supreme <1S the Christmas dance, couples whirled the hours of lobbies of the girls' dorms were decorated with 1959 at westem Maryland to a deservingclose. evergreens, strands of glistening tinsel, and Mingled with the college activities was a scenes of the birth of Christ. delightful snowfall which adorned the expun- Christmas at Western Maryland began with sive 100 acre campus. Soon the snow was the traditional tree-lighting ceremony. Rain cleared by snow tractors, co-ed snow battles, forced the college community into McDaniel and min! Lounge for the lighting and the usual cocoa, Rounding out the college calendar for cookies, and songs of the season. December were the scheduled fraternity party 1he Trumpeter's made their contribution to and the bleery-eyecl seniors who congregated the Yuletide festivities as t.hey presented their for cocoa and cookies at 4:00 A. M. prior to annual banquet. Entertniument from a Paster- their Christmas serenade of Faculty homes. nak reading to an improvised version of "White Awakened, but still cordial, faculty families Christmas" by the waiters and waitresses acknowledged the "clatter" outside their served as a fitting topping to a delicious roast windows as candle lights and porch lights beef dinner. flashed throughout Westminster. "A Child From Flanders" was the presenta- Morning classes conquered, the college soon tion of the College Players in collaboration closed its doors on Christmas 1959 and another with the music department. "Snowman's De- page of history was. recorded by the Class light" was the presentation of Delta Pi Alpha of 1960. 174
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