Page 168 - YB1960
P. 168
Amidst the enthusiasm of a winning sports blazing bonfire. Then the students hastened to season, plus the yearn to see old friends return all corners of the campus and city to make to it~ alma mater and its warm circle of friend- last minute preparation for the "big parade." ship, Western Maryland welcomed Homecom- As has been the custom for the past several ing, 1959. years, classes, fraternities, sorontes, and or- The weathermen held to tradition For ganizations pooled their talents to present the Homecoming as Western Maryland friends, Homecoming parade. Participants paraded alumni, and students donned their rain para- past a crowd estimated at 4,500. phernalia to protect themselves from the But the weather had little effect on the origi- ravages of the skies. nal and homemade "hot-rod" float of Gamma Tradition prevailed as the band, cheerlead- Beta Chi. Sigma Sigma Tau was not to be out- ers, and pom-pom girls led a host of spirited classed as they tied the Gamma Bets for first college students down Westminster's Main prize in the float division with their theme of Street on Friday night. The bursts of energies "laying out the dragon." Showers from above and spirit were later channeled around the did not dampen the eflorts of Phi Alpha Mu as while the Terror kept us to "one-side" of the road 011 the way back.
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