Page 60 - YB1959_Classical
P. 60
EVELYN CLIFTON LENNON History - Education Evelyn ... Three children and college, too Late to bed and early to rise ... "My own driving scares me" Crusader for a new day room . . . A Whitfield fan . . . Longs for dust-free homes ... Has the admiration of all ... No one can figure out how she manages to get it all done. JAMES IRVIN LEWIS Economics Alpha Gamma Tau; Class Treasurer 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1,2; ALOHA 4; R.O.A. 3,4 (President 4); F.A.G. (Co-Chairman 4); Cadet Battalion Commander 4; Student Leaders Conference 4; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; Junior Follies; Who's Who. "Nuts" ... Doc Ensor's right hand man ... Got a new car for catching a pass . . . Signed up for six months after attending summer camp ... Always surrounded by Playmates ... Spent two months trying to learn how to jitterbug . . . Roomed with the Headwaiter who almost cooked his goose . . . Has to ask Dewey if he wants to use his own car ... Been known to baby- sit for cocker spaniels. JAMES EDWARD LIGHTNER English - Mathematics - Education Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; College Players 2, 3 (Electrician); College Band 1, 2, 3; Little Symphony 1, 2; F.T.A. 1, 2, 3 (President 3); M.A.F.T.A. 1, 2, 3 (State Vice-President 1, 2, State President 3); Junior Follies; Argonauts 3, 4 (Fellow 4). "Jim" ... The tall, nice guy ... Gung-ho F. T. A.... Made grilled-cheese sandwiches behind closed doors . . . "Anyone want to go to Baughers?" ... "Who's been in my lighting box?" ... Never lighted plays so you could see faces ... Kept a "sacred file" ... "A place for everything and everything in its place."
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