Page 48 - YB1959_Classical
P. 48
HELEN CAMERON DENHAM Sociology Iota Gamma Chi (Historian 2, Secretary-Treasurer 3, Vice-Presi- dent 4); I.S.C. 4; GOLD BUG 1, 2; Women's Glee Club 1; Intra- mural Sports 1, 2; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Canterbury Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Editor Canterbury Tales 4); Sunday School Choir 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies; ALOHA 4. "Helen" ... "Oh, golly day!" ... Iote's pillar of strength and ability . . . Fills most enviable post on campus-secretary in Gill Gym ... Freshmen's best friend at term paper time . Always "catching-up" ... Dizzy fingers on the typewriter . One of the few blessed with a car, R. and G., by name ... "New Jersey, here I come!" WILLIAM DONALD DEWEY Economics Alpha Gamma Tau (Secretary 4); Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Defensive Lineman of Year 3, Captain 4); Intramural Sports 1, 2,3,4; J. V. Basketball 1; R.O.A. 3, 4; Student Leaders Confer- ence 4; Junior Follies. "Mr. Wonderful" ... Green Terror of Football team ... Got tired of singing "Carry me back to old Virginia" ... Rooms with a bait and a nut ... Only one on campus to gain the distinction of being one of the ten top drinkers without drinking a drop ... "What will it matter in 100 years?" ... Only Company Commander who threatens to court-martial his guidon bearer. EMILY EILEEN DITMAN Psychology - Sociology Delta Sigma Kappa; Argonauts 3, 4; I.R.C. 3,4 (Vice-President 4); Junior Follies; French Club 1. Eileen ... "Doozy Ditman" ... Psychoanalyst of McDaniel first floor wing . . . Infirmary inhabitant for a year . . . Versatile actress of many Delt skits Likes short, slender men ... Famous wearer of the tulip haircut Mood music lover ... One of the few girls to be mistaken as a freshman for four college years ... "Oh, that makes me sick." No fair using mom than two fingers! Now that's "Art [or art's sake!" But isn't them an easier way?
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