Page 37 - YB1959_Classical
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Seated left to right: Karen Helbig, vice-president; William Achenbach, president; Beverly Bosworth, secretary. Standing: Albert Dawkins, SGA representative; Joanne Filbey, SGA representative; Stewart Dorweis, treasurer. Weare the Class of '59, never really became divided, and the Class of Upon the Hill we'll always shine ... '59 was always well-represented in the parades and other campus activities. We tried our new A speculative glance back to our freshman year reveals our class, greener than the grass ways but remained loyal to Western Mary- land's cherished traditions. we could not walk on, making our first shining impression on the campus. Even the yellow buttons atop our beanies glowed in humble obeisance to the sophomores' persecution. But And when our college days are through Homecoming loosed the chains of subservi- We'll ne'er forget the friendships true. ence, and the newly-formed Pep Club made certain that the freshmen were being heard. Junior year climaxed with the follies when Uniting solidly around our first major goal, we we burned down Old Parthenon and built our amazed our small community by collecting Prudence Grunion. We paid formal tribute to over $4,000 for the G. Lee Fischbach Memo- the Class of '58 in an "Hawaiian Paradise" bid- rial Scholarship Fund. ding them a fond Aloha and perennial invita- tion to come back and see us. Investiture, elec- tions, May ceremonies, and graduation made us realize that we were finally seniors. We have blazed new paths along our way, Leaders, followers, scholars, "pluggers," But our loyalty will stay. workers, complainers, enthusiasts, the soft- spoken, the athletes, the fans-they are mem- We tried not to walk in the same old paths! Our enthusiasm was directed toward new bers of our class. To you we sing again and again: interests in our sophomore year as most of us pledged the Greek letter clubs, and worked to Our class of '59 make our club the best on the Hill. But we We're all for you! 33
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