Page 23 - YB1959_Classical
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Left to Tight: Miss Martha E. Manahan (Registrar), Dean Helen C. Howery (Dean of Women), Dean Samuel B. Schofield (Dean of Administration), Dean John D. Makosky (Dean of Faculty), Dean William M. David, Jr. (Dean of Men), Miss Cora V. Perry (Associate Registrar). Not Pictured: Mr. Carl L. Schaeffer (Treasurer). Administrative Staff President's Message Congratulations to the Class of '59! At this time of your graduation from college, you are successfully passing one of the major milestones of life. After Commence- ment your paths will lead you in many divergent directions-the Army will claim some for awhile, others will go to graduate and professional schools, others into business and industry, and most of you will embark upon the sea of matrimony before very long. Whatever may be the various pathways followed by the members of the class, I sincerely wish for all of you success. I would define such success not only or pri- marily as the accumulation of material possessions (may you have your share), but rather as the satisfactory achievement of the goals you have set for yourselves. May you be successful in using effectively the knowledge and skills Western Maryland has helped you acquire during the years spent on "The Hill!" LOWELL S. ENSOR, President 19
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