Page 48 - YB1958a
P. 48
HAHRY GORDON HURLBRTNK, JR. Towson, Maryland Economics Canunc 1'(/(/; tntemauonot Rclauone Club 3, 4; [unior "Gordie" Bachelor all the W'lV. . Good dresser. . Says anything that pops in his mind. '. Sarcastic? of course not! . Personality plus . Terror of A.N.vV. in Freshman year ... Advocate of night golf and other evening activities.. Thought A.P. Hill was just like u country club ... Has n nation-wide fan club. GLOlHA LEE JONES Pitman, New Jersey English - Education Phi Alpha u«. Intramural S1JOrts 1, 2, 3; ilIaU Court (DucfJess 2, Attent/aHt3); P,T.A. 3, 4; Closs Secretary 1,2.; S.C.A. 4; ALOHA 4; [unicr Follies. "Lori" .. "Ladder Legs" '. The girl who swam at night 3:00 A.~vL journey to Friendship Airport ... Startled entire dining hall with discovery of mouse Fiend for "Koffe Klasche" ... Big girl afraid of little bugs. . "Slats" . Haunts Science Hal! Our Dorothy Dix Future-anywhere but South Jersey. The Preachers' Favorite. JOHN BENEDICT JOY, JR. Taneytown, Maryland Economics Pi AlplwAlpJJa; French Ctub, 11llrtlmuml. Sports, John ... The day-hop who drives that slick looking Buick ... Married Has three children ... Top-rate economist, .. Thinks the Sigmas are the neatest .. Sure to get his money's worth " . Holds a Full time job.. A great guy with a warm smile "Do you know who?", "My wife Janet."
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