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the arts The development of a taste for art in its of the Little Symphony also accompanied the various Forms has always been appreciated at County Eisteddfod in the Mikado Western Maryland. Along with the many op- Dr. Howard Mitchell conducted the Na- portunities to hear and see the work of the tional Symphony Orchestra on February 14th masters, there is an equal emphasis placed in a program Ieatunng the works of weber, upon the talent and interests of the students Beethoven, Himsky-Korsakov, and Vincent. themselves. March 7th brought Cornelia Otis Skinner to Once again this year the College Choir the stage of Alumni Hall where a number of joined with the Baltimore Symphony Orches- monologues were presented by the actress. tra in a presentation of the music of Rodgers The art department sponsored several ex- and H,lmmcrstein. hibits with great success. Contemporary Amer- The Little Symphony Orchestra gave ,1 Janu- ican prints, fabrics of various textures and ary concert, the program being conducted by designs, and the art of James Snodgrass were the senior music students, and presented the il!llong those works which were 011 display. unnuul spring concert on April 18th. Members The National Symphony presents its annual concert.
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