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THE ARTS This year Western Maryland featured a joint cause one of the students, Betty Ely May, sang concert by the College Choir and the Balti- u solo-"Hhapsody" by Brahms (picture, oppo- more Symphony Orchestra, and a performance site page). by the National Symphony. The Little Symphony Orchestra, under the On November 5th, the College Choir joined direction of Mr. Philip Hoyer, presented two the Baltimore Symphony, under Massimo major concerts this year. Student conductors Frecc!a, to present a concert called "A Night directed the orchestra in a concert for the stu- in Vienna." dent body in Alumni Hall, and the Spring Dr. Howard Mitchell conducted the Na- Concert was presented on April 12th. The tional Symphony on February 8th in a program prognlm included the Overture of King Ste- of Beethoven, Havel, and Tchaikovsky. It was phen by Beethoven, the Ptano Concerto ill D a special occasion for western Maryland be- (Continued Oil 89) The Bnltimorc Symphony and \V.M.C. in A Viennese Nighl
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