Page 82 - YB1957a
P. 82
Spirits ran high, HOMECOMING \VESTUIN l'.1,\HYL,\NIJ COLLEGE The Queen reigned supreme over her col- re-acquaint themselves with their former class- legiate subjects and W.1S honored by the many mates Open house was held in McDaniel floats and displays that were erected, , Some- Lounge. . An eerie atmosphere of goblins thing new was noticed on Hoffa Field-an elec- and Hallowe'en creatures dominated the dance tric scoreboard which was the gift of the \Vhat kind of a day was it? A day like any Classes of'56 and '57. Tradition was again other day, except for that special high spirit broken-we lost the football game to Hnmp- found on the "ill and that you were there, den-Sydney, .. After the game the Alumni along with runny grads. flocked to the fraternity and sorority rooms to 78
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