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JUNIOR CLASS As freshmen on the Hill we had many things Junior Follies Just as all before us, we too to learn-about our new home uud about our- knew that ours had surely been the "best ones selves. Then as sophomores we came again, this time with the knowledge that we had This was our pattern. This was what we passed the test, and now belonged. As juniors evolved ourselves, and what we blended with we came once more to the Hill, and with a ideals and meanings worked out and handed brief look back we saw our past. Now we knew down to us by junior classes before. Now it is the time we thought a progression of slowly ours to pass down to new juniors, philosophies passing days had in reality been a moment, a ranging from friendly understanding of fresh- speeding Hash. And so we looked ahead and men rats and carefree sophomores to surety of saw with new clarity the steps of study, work, purpose in a major field. and play that would so quickly lead us to our As we view our junior year from where we graduation. stand on the brink of senior experience, we We gathered our ideas together, we sifted see what grew most lastingly. \Ve see the prin- and sorted them. Then in what seemed the ciple of unity-that abstract whieh binds us blink of an eye, our plans crystallized. Our now together and which shall always be a tie third Western Maryland spring was blooming between us. around us, and we were knee deep in our own
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