Page 22 - YB1957a
P. 22
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Left tf) right: Stan Entwisle, Treasurer; ~Iarilyn Eccleston, Secretary; Sam Reed, President. (not shown, Beth Granger, Class Historian) SENIOR CLASS Time is a fleeting thing, and all too often working frantically on the Junior-Senior Prom slips by un-noticed. Vie seniors, coming to the with its ming tree; wishing that Spring would end of our college career, now see those brief roll around so that we could give Our Follies- years in retrospect, and wonder if it is possible these were the things that occupied our that with our diplomas in hand we must now thoughts and our time in '56. take our place in society. Could we ever have We returned to the Hill that following fall thought of "conquering the world"? with mixed emotions. Knowing that now we The spirit of our first Homecoming envel- were to lead others gave us a new feeling of oped us as we took pictures of the Queen, and responsibility, and we tried to act accordingly. cheered madly as we saw our football team Mr. Foutz's sign in the bookstore-"Scniors_ victorious over P.M.C.-33-7. If the seniors that stop by to get measured for your caps and year had a rather melancholy look about them, gowns" made us tremendously aware that now we took no notice, for we did not realize that we must acknowledge that it is we who are all too soon it would be Ollr last Homecoming, to graduate this June. and that we too, might be feeling a little senti- Our memories of today are vivid; the night mental. we had our first Christmas tree lighting; th~ In our sophomore year excitement ran high day that Dr. Ensor invested Sam with our aca- as we joined sororities and fraternities. Hunl- demic gown; and the day we received our cane Hazel did her damage-we thought it sheepskin. romantic, eating by candlelight. we discov- Yet we no longer tho ered West Moreland Street-before long the world. This is not our think task. of conquering that Wo do hope sophisticated sophomores were belly-whop- each of us will do well in his undertaking. will ping down that long hilL work with sincerity of purpose; and will ac- Our Junior yearl Serving the seniors cocoa knowledge in his living, the trust which his and doughnuts at 4:30 in the morning; cheer- Alma Mater has placed ill him. ing madly for our title-winning soccer team; 18
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