Page 85 - YB1956b
P. 85
--_._. __ 1 " J, .... "'_ .._=._.__ ....<>- .. .._'~"w.»o Budapest String Quartet CONCERT SERIES For the 1955-'56 Concert Series, Western to perform Franz Lehar's The Merry Widow. Maryland featured a ballet group, a joint con- Harry Loats and Hugh Howell were student cert by the College Choir and the Baltimore soloists. Symphony, a performance by the National Dr. Howard Mitchellconducted the National Symphony Orchestra, and an evening of music Symphony, in February, in works by Brahms, by the celebrated Budapest String Quartet. Bach, Ravel, and Shubert. John Begg's Ballet Carnival, in October, pre- This program was followed, on April 10, by sented classic and modern rhythms and an in- the long-acknowledged artistry of the Buda- terpretation of Poe's Masque 01the Red Death, pest String Quartet. On January 6, the College Choir joined the Admission charges for the Concert Series Baltimore Symphony, under Massimo Freccia, are covered by the student activities fee. Baltimore Symphony and W. M. C. Chorus in The Merry Widow, January 6, 1955.
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