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DOHOTHY RAY \VAIJE DON ALD PARKER \V ALLAC1;: JEAN LUCll ..u: WANTZ Salisbury, Maryland Hamden, Connecticut Westminster, Maryland Art, Education Economics, Physical Education Home Economics, Education Phi A1,)ha Mil 2, 3, 4; GOLD BUG 1; Gamma Beta Chi 2, 3, 4, Beta Pi 3, Phi Alpha Mu 2, 3, 4, T-reas. 4; Basketball 1, 2; Jr. Follies; Hockey lntetirat Rei), 3, Pres. 4, Interfrat flome Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4; 3; French Club 1, 2; F.T.A. 3, 4. Council Pres. 4; Football I, 2, 3, 4; ROTC.SpoTisor 3; F.T.A. 4; Lacrosse 1, 2; Intramural Softball ALOHA 3; Jr. Follies. Dot ... Charter member of Me- 2,3,4. Daniel Bohemians. . Designer of "Mighty Mouse" One of the 13 "neatest vase" in the world . "Wally" ... "What price glory?" of fourth Hoor "Found another She's tru-itt blue "Hi!-I'm .. W.M.C.'s best ice hookey player bargain girls!n . Week ends at Polly Bergen-I believe in modern and one-man swimming team .. home were less numerous while in living." Caught the Salisbury A Connecticut Yankee with a "Hoose". "Where you going now Express Art major with flair for Southern affability ... Hates to be Priscilla?" ... September in Chi- puuring coffee ... She's legal but caught without a witty verbal cago ... "I wonder what surprise can't prove it .: "Woods! Woods!" comeback . . . Uses library as a will be in this envelope?" ... Pallhearer lor Snead Hearn. socful center ... Set college record as [.v. football captain four years in a row ... Frustrated Tcforrna- tion center converted to watch- charm guard ... Has a talent for converting romantic Interludes into violent arguments. 59
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