Page 17 - YB1956b
P. 17
::Jormin'} the ::Juture DANIEL MacLEA HALL Two years ago the State Legislature passed Albert Norman Ward, with four sections, and an appropriation which gave Western Mary- suites in each of the end sections. It accom- land the additional funds needed for the con- modates about 140 students. There are, how- struction of a new men's dorm. ever, two major changes. On the ground floor, The dormitory, completed in December there is a centrally-located lounge and recep- 1955, was named in honor of the former presi- tion room. The use of painted cinder blocks for dent of the MacLea Lumber Company of Bal- the walls and asphalt tile floors has rendered timore, who served on the Board of Trustees the structure completely fireproof. The base- of Western Maryland from 1924 until his death ment contains the Delta Pi Alpha and Gamma in 1952. Under his leadership as chairman of Beta Chi clubrooms. the Building and Grounds Committee, Blanche Daniel MacLea Hall is the first in a mid- Ward, Science Hall, Albert Norman Ward, Gill century series of structural improvements Gymnasium, and the power plant were erected. planned for the campus. In construction the dorm closely resembles 13
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