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:'1 Acree. Anne FrRnce~4009 ~'ourth St., DRJ~~O~::~ M~.F,~.,"~N.D:':.'~,,"',~w,.,M. ",,'''mo,. ro. M,' Albau>lh, Sharon Elalne----637 Grant Pl.. Fre,ler'ck. Md. Bosworth, Bev..rly J,,,,e---2718 Dnw"on, Ave .. Alien. Ruth Loui.e---250 S. Horace St" Woodbury. N. J. Sliver S"",;,,,. Md ~'~:~~~~~~~~~i~..~_:_-;:~;.~il~~~.St..Westmin.ter, Md. ~~~~:~I:i:';.:':;r':R;':~::~;:~"~I~i:;~~:~i:;~~o6';k7~~.Md. A,,"te'.lt. Martha Carolyn-Church St .. Liberty Corner. N. J. Rr~mker. Betty June---7813 Elmh,,",,t Ave .. B".ltimore 14'.M'1. Arm"tronK, Gail Lee--107 H ...... Ave .• Woodbury. N. J. Brltn"r, N&n~Y Jelln-Stu"" Dr .. Route 2, Wliliam"port, MIL Arnold. Jean Wilk",,-124 HOi,ki". Rd.• Baltimore lZ, Md. Brown, Donna Lee-1902 Vnn Buren St .. Hyatt.ville, Mcl Artigiani. Margaret Jean--41;30 Harcourt Rd.. Buchnl, Angela Ro"e--10S S. Kelly Ave .• !lei A,r, Md. I I B;~:~~~~'}~~~~'i~~019 Old Harford R,I" ~~~~~::SE~~~~~:nS~~~I~~~:~l~~:,:C~~I~,~el. B.. iley, Betty Jane--5~04 Hamilton Ave., B..ltimore G, Md. RUrton, Carol Angel-IO Looway, Bnltimo, ... 22, Mol Daker. Gloria Caroline--Route7,We"tminoter, Md. Campbell, Ardella Jane--2713 Murke! St., Cam]) Hill, Pn. Bankerd, Edna Gertrude--Route 0, We"tminster, Md Danko, Nancy JUne--Allen, Md. CanninR, Mnrgnre!Jennne--ll Club Plnce, Freehol,l, N. J. Dam"", Shirley Lre---Cheryl Ave., Kin,,"ville, Md Cap] .... Nnncy Elizabeth_lOG Ncwhurll Ave., Baltimore28,Md. Bllrtley, Mildred Elaine--120 Campus Ave., Chestertown, M,I Carl.on, Aleatha Ar~au"h (Mrs,)_22 W.' Rd" ]la"il. JOlIn Diane--l102 Popula" St., Annapolis, Md. W""tmi".ter,M<1. Baylis., Charlotte Porter-lOa W""t Way, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Chamberlin, Kathryn Cochrane--Kin>(",.on, Md Bearing ..r. Nancy Kathryn-1409 Virginia Ave., Cha"e,Je"nelt.e---414 Yorktown Rd., Lexin>(lOn rllrk, Md Hage..,.town, Md. R(ham, Carol Jean-Dox 5095,Criswl>Bl,Cnnal Zone Clemmitt, Anne Chri.tine-5:lOS W... ley Ave., Blair, Dorothy Jeanne--16 We"tiield Rd., Ardmore, Pa. Baltimore7,Md. lIIair, Sm.anne Joy-S8M Greenway, B.. ltimore 18, Md. Cline, Jelln Eli""heth-70S ito.emere St., Silver Sprinl<, Md. Board. Judith Mllrilyn_05 Upper Blvd., Ri,h,ewood, N. J. Coffman, Loi. Ann_29 Overhrook Rd., I1nltim(}re 12, M,1. Boardman, Helen I.ahel-Pott Spring R,I., Tow"on 4, Md. Conover, Marllaret Jllyne--42G S. Shore Rd., Ah>lecon. N. J. I1ogg", I1arbara Carolyn-Waterloo lid., Eillcott City. Md. Cook, JOY"" R"th-303 Orchard !In., G"rlnn,l, Bon'1. Katherine Elhabeth_208 Goodwood Carden., Glen I1urnie,Md. Baltimore 10. Md. Cooper. Patricia Alice--~07 N. Camp M<>nJe R,I., Bond, MllrRa,...t Ann_4015 Wilsby Ave., BnlUmo,.., 18, Md. Linthicum Hei"ht., Md. Bond, Mary Jane-40l6 Ave .. I1altimore 18, Md. CoP .... 1.oi"e Elajne--Houte 7, B"ltimore 8, Md. Compliments i I. Mary supplies punch and salt tablets at faculty of I reception. Westminster Shoe Co. !i DUN'S TV & APPUANCES 'I BALTIMORE BOULEVARD \VESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Westminster, Maryland CROSLEY Refrigerators. Electric Ranges Kitchen Units & Television Bendix Washers PHONE: 15I-J
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