Page 8 - YB1955a
P. 8
Mr. Foutz ... A W.M.C. tradition in himself • • . Characterized by a how tie and a smile ••• The man who always follows the call: "Man in the Hall!" in girls' dorms •.. Campus handy-man ... Uncanny memory for names .•. A friend to all: dumb animals, students, and faculty. There will battlefield or college pares the way for the makes the college one t Charles R. Foutz, Ir., can deservedly' Litle at Western Maryland College. and Purchasing Mr. Foutz directs one of the most popular has become well courses 011 the Hill. His classes are informal, in- known students. Freshmen know formative, and interesting. J n fact, during his him before they knoll' where Levine Hall is.
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