Page 16 - YB1955a
P. 16
President Mrs. Ensor President's ,Message The Class of 1955 has my ver-y best wishes as you tuck your sheepskins under your arms and leave the "Hill" as alumni of Western Maryland College. That sheepskin represents a lot of hard work-both by you and by your professors. Has it been worth the effort? Your professors think so, because they are devoting their lives 10 young people, and part of their reward is the pride they have had in your intel1ectual and cultural growth during your college career. Its real worth, however, will be determined by what happens from noll' on-whether you can take this foundation of a good liberal arts education and crect upon it a structure of successful living in whatever area of activity you may embark. Your Alma Matcr will fellow with interest the careers of her sons and daughters of 1955. College ties can ne'er be broken, Formed at W.M.C. Far surpassing wealth unspoken, Ever may they be. Very sincerely, LOWELL S. ENSOR, President
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