Page 6 - YB1953
P. 6
~TiSll'ilhgrealpridelhalll'e.lheciass of 1953, dedicate our annual of collected memories, ideas and ideals to Miss EsthcI Smith. Each year Miss Smith has proven her ability as a director and as a teacher of dramatic art. Students who npprecinte dramatics for the art that lies therein. strive La uphold her ideals of acting, and their three productions a year prove that they are successful. This year Miss Smith won nell' laurels when the Fall piny> "Goodbye, My Fancy," was presented in Bnhimore. However, we nre dedicating this year- book not only to the teacher and the director, but to the person who has so inspired the lives of all of her students. !-IeI' philosophy can perhaps be summed
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