Page 19 - YB1953
P. 19
STUART JOEL ABRAHAMS Camilla /)ela Chi (Carr. Secy. 3, Bela Pi 3, Sergeant-at-A rm.s 4. f>residenl. 4); S. C. A. 2, 3; Be/a. Bela Bela 2. 3, 4.; French. Club 1. 2: [ uuior Follies; IlIler/ralerni/y Coullcil {Treasurer 4); Cold Bug 2; Who's IPf/.O. "Stu" . A man alter your own heart . Pre-Med nnd 01T 10 Mary- land . Propelled with ellergy to spare . . blazes his own trails Stout-hearted Gamma Bct Once seen cfltilll!:. Likes liLtle women A good sleeper . Plays a mean pit!l1o. . Unmilitary minded Best dressed soldier at Fort Meade . "You're my buddy" "l)uddyo!" RUTH ELIZABETH ADAMS /Jellfl Sigma Kappa 2, 3. 4, (Ch.aplail! 3); Cbot, 4; Ctee Club J, 2, 3, 4. "Lim;" . She's /lui a preuy girl, but she's a fine girl, and a loyal girl! "1 want one" Proud possessor of Chipper's diamond "Just think, if I had lived 200 years I might have been Bach" Slu-iuks sweaters for classes with Spectacular individualist iu love with the world. VIOLET JOANNE AI.THOUSE Glee Club I; School j f'I"(!llch Club:!; M .S.M. I, z, Cold Bug I, 2, S.C.A. 1,2,3,4; F.T.A . .:5, 4; l uuior Follies; Secretary 4). Cheers for Phillie Enghsh education major with a yen for scrip! IlTi!ing Creat friend ... Sympathetic . Optimistic. Partly responsible fOI' reviving the Charlestoll .. Likes mood music and atmosphere (lighted candles thut is I Gig-frle thnt starts chain reacnon . Co-editor of Iota yearbook \Vill lung- remember freshman days at "The Castle". 18
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