Page 126 - YB1953
P. 126
FirSI row: D. Bliss, S. Fisher, J. Grube, O. Lawyer. Se con d row; R Dixler, C. Pierwn. J. His],., N. Moyer, A. F.ckhardt. Tlrird row: 1\1.A. Amoss, N. Bayliss, C. Eggan, 13.Garrett. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA .Dear Delre: Beginning the year j onn put us all in hig-h a supper party instead of the usual candy , those spit-its ., much flashillg of diamonds and read. "No, we're nOI collecting the walls-when red cigarette get papers 10 re-decorate ing of 1I't:(kling announcementa . _ bidding we eight Bahy Delts _, what a dumb bunch-after five pounds of them a seeing-eye dog gets a ,1 long cold walk they still didn't find it! _ blind man" we too can sing while busily mending hymnals in sorority meetings _ (see Homecoming-s-and again we won first prize on ourdisplay _ and then there was the float f?! we finally found one-ll "thinking committee") hut Christmas_I he Baby Delis chaotically, A 'Loring' Sally came through again by being beautifully elected to t.hc Homecoming Court meanwhile, nooetheless us a wonderful decorated the club roo Ill. long after party gave Professor Neel ('52) became Mrs. David HIl(1 of practice und Illany technical difficulties hours Heiberg __ .jhe six newly ell gaged [ennne Fowles we finally succeeded in making a record of our burnt their first mealwhen they gave their sisters lovely (?) voices ill choral rendition of the dub 126 J
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