Page 9 - YB1952
P. 9
It is with great pride that we, the senior to Charles W. Havens. The success of the team can be arrrib ured to his outstanding ability as a conch As captain of the undefeated ream of 1929 and coach of this year's undefeated eleven, Charlie Havens has attained immortality in Western Maryland athletics But there is more ro successful coaching than producing a winning team There is the tremendous task of building a working unit from ali types of individuals. A coach must have keen perspective, a sense of humor and the ability [Q judge men. Coach Havens is richly endowed with all of these characteristics. Aside from forging winning teams Charlie Havens is a builder of men. He instills in every member of his squad a sense of fair play, responsibility, and courage-c-rime honored traits of Western Maryland athletics very spirit which makes WeStern Maryland College a little apart from other insrirurions seems to be imbedded within him. To those with whom he has daily contact this spirit is rrnnsmirred FOotball at Wesrern Maryland remains to be football as it rnusr be played -rough, hard, clean and honest. It is the kind of football with all the values that makes the game so American SpOrt To Charlie Havens, and friend, we wish the ben in the game. May the succeeding campaign be as successful as the one this year. Bur above all, may Western Maryland teams conrinue to perform in the which they are mught-not whether we have won or lost but how we the g;lme.
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