Page 86 - YB1952
P. 86
cJ-JomEcomin3 c4ctiuitia Snow, snow and more snow -Homecomio,,!: morning- Most of us had spent the night working on dis- it is snow. You Sorority rooms reeked with paint, and we [Q get up to clean up. Alarms sounded earlier than usual through the usual morn- ing ritual but a little more (ired, and a little more it to [he class of But excited-then there came that first scream the snow helped us make up our minds that this 'SNOW' is r.:rncking up, somebody was going to be the best Homecoming day old has been up all and has forgotten that sun- W.M.C. had ever seen. We started OUt with shine could be So you fumble for the cur- plenty of heart, and a little bit of snow wasn't The Hopkin, man smiled through it all
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