Page 181 - YB1952
P. 181
CONG RATULATIONS CABINETWORK AND BEST WISHES ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 10 the MARINE INTERIORS GRADUATES OF 1952 HUTZLER BROTHERS CO. FURNITURE Howard and Suratoga Streets Ior Baltjmorc 1, .Maryland Schools. Clubs. Hotels. Banks and Homes Watkins Amusements KNIPP & COMPANY, INC. All Types oj 600 South Pulaski Street Amusement Machines Baltimore 23. Maryland Westminster 996 "KNII'P" hns stood for Quality since 180S Since 1890- A Maryland Tradition Mar-yland's her-itage is one of fine homes, gracious living, and generations of great citizens, many of whom have and are contributing materially to the growth and welfare of the nation. Since 1890, it has been our proud and happy privilege to be accepted into the finest of Maryland homes. This acceptance has grown with the State and with the generations we have helped nurture into gracious womanhood and stalwart manhood. KOONTZ CREAMERY, Inc. "FIRST WITH THE CARRIAGE TRADE" Baltimore Westminster
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