Page 85 - YB1950
P. 85
MARY ELLEN Si\'lITH 3208 W. North Avenue Baltimore 16, Ivld. College Players /II, IV: AI.{,U,\ IV; IJo-g"'III11/S Ill, IV: 101(1 GOIIIIIIII Chi "Smitty" loves dramatics ... makes a great mother in plays . good grades JUSt com~ naturally . discourses accompan.ied by lavish gestures wilhng, tireless worker . docs a good Job of all.Ything she auempts. . a P K with great depth of per sormluv. PEGGY STACY 319.'5L. Dunstans Road Baltimore 12, i\IcL I'hi I'lf/)"as II, III, IV; Mil>, Caur/II, III; HOlliecoming "Peg" a favorite choice for why and Homecoming Courts sweet, considerate disposition always 011 a committee laughs at anything. a natural for sports clothes. "I'm taller than anybody else" proud and pleased to finally get a room on second AoO!" B. \V. H. plans to do some kind of social work "Oh.why can't J wear spikes?" LEON EU(;ENE STOVER Uniontown Road wesrminster. Md. Iklll IJclt, IJ';/11 II, III, IV; ;/rgoJloIII.1 III. IV; AN, SYI!I/!OS;UII! 111,11'; Gold illig I, II; Prellch CI"I! 1, II; College 1'1'1)'~rs IV "Smoky" . ideas fly ofl like sparks from a whee! empas. stoned, sincere idealist. renowned for use of poison ivy as stage prop--with irritating results. lig'/llning wit" • fertile imagination should be able to do wonders with Fragments of jaws, teeth, artifams, ctc., etc, staunnh defender of H. C. Wells and Karel Kapek-wil! flglu on to the end! 81
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