Page 153 - YB1949
P. 153
I Puryear, M/Sgt. Bruce E:. Derrick, SFC Charles C. Kelly, and SFC Owen T. Stephen- Son. Most of the cadet officers this year are non-veterans who have undergone three years of training with this unit. Of the twelve seniors only five are veterans. The junior R.O.T.C. class is the largest in the history of the school. These cadet officers are selected on the basis of scholastic standing and evid- ences of leadership and ability. In the inspection last spring the unit was rated as excellent for the school year 1947-48. The inspection was made by an inspecting team from Second Army Headquarters, in competition with such schools as VPI and VMI. Although some basic students appear to dis- like the idea of the six weeks summer camp between the third and fourth year, conducted at some army post, many of those students request permission to be allowed to enter the BATTALION STAFF advanced course. The seniors facetiously give the impression to the "basics" that the train- EARLL LT. COL., Commander ing period at camp is tough. ENGLE MAJOR, Executive This year much of the instruction for the VERES CAPT., Adjutant freshmen on the drill field has fallen upon the sophomore class under the supervision of the more efficient officers with a better knowledge officers of the senior class and the permanent of their specific duties. When spring arrives, cadre. This method of procedure provides the drill area on Hoffa Field becomes the M/Sgt. Derrick, M/Sgt. Puryear, Col. Smith, Major Dubose, SFC Stephenson. 149
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