Page 81 - YB1948_Classical
P. 81
MARCTA KOBLEGARD STANLEY R. KULAKOWSKT 231 Meigs Avenue 338 West Market Street Clarksburg, West Virginia Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania College Pla,'cn; 3, 4; Delta Sigma Kappa Football I, 2, 3, :/; Basketball 2; Baseball 2, 3; ROTC 0ffi.cers' C11/.b 3, 4; Who's Who 4; ALpha Gamino. TaLL Peppy and popular with a personality that "Stan" first entered Western Maryland attracts. . straightforward, husky-voiced in 1941 ... left in '43 for three years in the ridge runner a Rare for fun and a care- Tank Corps. served in the European free manner the fact that she's always theater .. reenrolled here at summer 11 maid on the stage is no indication of her school in '46 phys. ed. and biology future role . blond and blue-eyed with a major who plans to teach .. interested in preference for casual clothes ... lives for all sports one of the grille's best cusĀ· today-and loves it ._.. "Hey kids, anybody tomers played really good football at wanta eat in the grille'?" ... would like an that rainy Hopkins game ... never worries apartment in Florida. about anything. 73
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