Page 73 - YB1948_Classical
P. 73
~t" . .~I ~~-,.", ""'1,' . --; • MARY ALICE HERSHFELD ANNA JANE HESS 1819 Sutton Avenue 311 Plymouth Place St. Denis 27, Maryland Merchantville, New Jersey SeA J, 2, Program Ctioirmon. 3, 4; Class Argonauts 3, 4; French CLub 1, 2; Camero Historian 2; Hockey 3; Argonauts 3, 4; Club 3, Secretary-Treasurer 4 Gold Eng Neue Editor 3; Class Treasures 3; French Club 4; Who's Who 4; Aloha 2,3, Editor 4; lola Camilla ChI:, Sunshine Officer 3, Historian: 4 "Hersh". . eternal sense of humor One of the shining lights or the chemistry friendly ... not only has read everything department ... lives in the lab ... rather by and about Wordsworth, but chants him play bridge than eal. . always talking in the shower. since age of 11 has in- about the great Merchantville ... dramatic tended being an English teacher talents ~:l(llendenc~;s ... a ~labjl ~rcalling fused invitation to become Trumpeter people screwballs .. big smile and a minored in Latin and look Greek as a hobby little voice ... good hockey player and a ... when not auending current event forums tennis fiend-was a finalist in her sopho- or political rallies, writes controversial let- more year ... always arrives on the Hill ters 10 the Baltimore Su.n ... camp counsel. a few weeks before her u-unk. ing is summer favorite with swimming the big attraction. 70
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