Page 65 - YB1948_Classical
P. 65
MADELINE J. FRANKLIN GERALDINE FRIZZELL Woodbine, Maryland Route 6 Westminster, Maryland Home Economics Club 1,2,3,1/ Tri-Beta 3,4; Home Economics Club J, 2, 3, 4; u« 2, 3, 4 "Madge". . big blue eyes and brown curly "Gerry" ... glowing roo hair (without the hair ... innocent (?) look slow talker traditional temper) and a sprinkling of with a Howard County accent home ee. freckles .. a ready laugh and a witty re- major. eager inhabitant of the Manage- mark ... another FTA with a special inter- ment House. f uture teacher ... inter- est in biology _ .. experience in the home ested in sports ... an especially loyal base- ec. lab. favorite color green and Favorite ball fan ... loved that summer at Maryland pastime dancing ... would like to travel .. also those week-ends on the MagoLhy . spends summers as a waitress in Ocean goes in for long gab sessions ... soci- City ... never lets her studies interfere ally she sees all and knows all ... favorite with her college education ... "Well, golly, expression-"Oh dear!" I don't know". 62
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