Page 21 - YB1948_Classical
P. 21
CLOYD L. BENNIGHOF LLOYD M. BERTHOLF PEARL B. BOBBITT B.S., 'M.S. ,\.13., A.11,1., 1'11.0. A.(I., ,\.M. Biology Riology Eoonancics, Malhema/.ic.' THE FACULTY Our faculty has been an integral-but su-uctor. And we have found in our faculty very personal-part of our four years un that deeper relationship-guidance, en- the Hill. We are indebted to its members couragement, inspiration, and-greatest of for their excellent academic leadership, but all-friendship. Therefore, as we go forth our memories will extend far beyond that. in these days of faltering ideals and teeter- For in a college such as Western Maryland, ing traditions, we pay tribute to these lhere is an unusual opportunity for a friends, whose ideals we may curry with us deeper relationship between student and in- always. 18
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