Page 142 - YB1946
P. 142
Shipley Shirley Shuckhart NANCY LEE SHIPLEY MARY JEAN SHIRLEY Savage, Maryland Homewood Apartments ~~'r treasurer "Polly".. money Baltimore 18, Maryland collecting is her chief occupation. sub- :i~T secretary. steady Dean's Lister scription manager of Aloha .. Tri-Beta . . Argonaut ... secretary of I.R.C. good mixer ... always "on the ball" ... a friendly ... always helpful ... an ever· pleasing smile. Home Ec'er who spent ready fourth for bridge ... an expert with those weeks in the "Hoose" "I'm for a bow and arrow. camp counseling oc- doin' it!" cupies her summer. RUTH WILLIAMS SHUCKHART ANN ISABEL STEVENS 107 Wood Street 3033 Woodland Avenue Frostburg, Maryland Baltimore 15, Maryland il.:£K chaplain . "Shucky" ... loves Il'X . "Stevie" ... cute, turned-up nose dancing and bridge. . we love those ... a happy giggle ... an English and dimples and that curly hair. one of the history major and psychology minor. accelerated members of the class ... an she'd like to do personnel work . she education major planning to teach biology likes red, mobs of people, and picnics . . Tri-Beta member. "Hey, Brit, stop good pal of Mr. Eaton and the III·A Eng. that!" Iish section. 136
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