Page 133 - YB1946
P. 133
Morgan Murray Naylor FREDERICK WILLIAM MORGAN BEVERLY MAE MULHOLLAND 244 James River Drive 6804 Dunhill Road Hilton Village, Virginia Dundalk 22, Mary land One of the three senior men to make .::£~'I' president. "Bev" . charming Who's Who ... president of the senior queen of the Mayas friendly as she is class vice-president of the Men's pretty ... ring on her left hand explains Student Government . treasurer of the freshman home economics in senior year S.C.A .... member of the Wesleyans ... sOciology major who plans social work transfer from Ferrum College, Prof. Hurt's before marriage. . noticed for meticulous influence .. plans to continue his studies grooming. "He-hum." at Duke. "Hush mah mouth!" MARIANNA MURRAY KATHLEEN WRIGHT NAYLOR 216 Hopkins Road Leonardtown, Maryland Baltimore 12, Maryland I.I'X born in Cuba . . . has retained ILX sOciology major has intentions tropical taste for olives, coconuts, and of getting her M.A. at William and Mary, Spanish "I could die, Betty; I could a two-year stretch ... secret passion for just diel"-supply that famous southern one of the Great Lakes ... loves Fourth of drawl, and there you have "Kathie" July picnics and summer school. "I transfer from Mississippi . prominent in quit.' College Players interested in radio ... loves to sing "Let's Take De Long Way Home." 127
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