Page 110 - YB1946
P. 110
Berryman Bevard Bolles JANE CHRISTINE BEALL JEANNE ARDELL BERRYMAN 839 Brinkwood Road 525 Main Street Baltimore 29. Maryland Reisterstown, Maryland <1':\!\1... energy plus ... a smile for every· II'X talkative .. vivacious. history one . sociology major who put her major. member of Choir and Le Cercle theory to practice by establishing the Francais. interests range all the way Union Street Nursery vice-president of from roller skating to opera, but are mainly the Women's Student Government. centered on "George" . has achieved Trumpeter remembered for her rcle immortality at W.M.C. through "Slppin' in 1944 May Day Play, "The Wonder Hat." Cider Thru a Straw." GRACE SCRIVNOR BEVARD DOROTHY ANN BOLLES Sykesville, Maryland II Laurel Road Woronoco, Mass. II'X .. Argonaut ... member of Le Cercle Francais ... a whiz at history and English IT'X. "Dot" ... accent and dry senee of as some high school students will soon humor provide endless amusement for all learn ... known for her ability to enter- her friends ... Home economics major tain with a story or recitation . . . takes with interest in Sociology Glee Club studying seriously, but not too seriously to member ... transIer from Mary Washing- join in a "bull session" or a game of ton ... peaches and cream complexion bridge. envied by many a W.M.C. cooed ... plans for future center around a small tea room. 104
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