Page 52 - YB1945_Classical
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MARY VIHCINIA \"'\'EBB VIEJ'INA, MD. One of Mary's- most outstanding features is her distinctive red hair, a shade unlike that of any other campus "red." Accomplishments in her own right are far more than aver-age, however. Scholastically she ranks high, being a Dean's Lister and an Argonaut. History and French are her specialties, and in both fields she excels. Among extra-cur ricular activities are Iota Gamma Chi Alumnae secretaryship, French Club presidency, and Gold Bug managing editorship. MARIAN ELIZABETH WHITEFORD WmTEFORI), Mo. Three years an attendant and then crowned Quecll. Tall, striking, (111([ statelv-c-subtle humor and winning smile. Delt treasurer, soch-psych. major. Marian's proud of being a farm girl and a horseworhan. , In three words-e-cflicieut, loyal, and depend- able~lI'e have Marian. CHARLOTTE ANN WILKINS 803 POPLAR HILL AYI::NUE SALISBURY, MD. President of Sigma Sigma Tau and Secretary of her class, this Eastern Shore man is a music major and prospective teacher. Her varied interests center around music, athletics, and the Air Corps, with an emphasis on the last item. Charlotte Ann's friendliness and interest in others have won her lllany friends on the Hill. Her love of fun and her infectious laughter brighton any gathering. ANN PA.ULlNE WINTERS HAHPERS FERRY, W. VA. Noted for her engaging laugh and smile. Quite a wit. Plans to be a physical therapist in khaki. Noted for her three B's-c.Biology B.s., the "Bromine Kid," and Bees (she attracts them). Vice- prexy of Iota Camma Chi and BBB. Sympathetic, always seeing two sides to the question. 47
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