Page 117 - YB1944
P. 117
Acknowledgments Into the job of publishing a yearbook go many hours of work and the labor of many hands. Without the splendid aid of such people as Gil Horn of Horn-Shafer Printing Company, Don Young of Pontiac Engravers, and Frank Zecca of Zamsky Studios it is hard to imagine how an ALOHA would ever have been published. Thanks also to Mr. Milson C. Raver for his helpful criticisms and contributions of pictures; to Elizabeth Miller for her clever sketches; to Andy Chi for his photo- graphic skill; to Cadets Ed Rosenthaler, John Day, and Lloyd Garner for the pictures which took so much of their precious time to take; and to the military department, one and all, for innumerable services and suggestions. The 1944 ALOHA is a product of the energies of these and many more persons. Each of them has the gratitude of every member of the staff and of the senior class. Patrons D. Roger Englar New York, N. Y. William Anthony Baltimore, Md. Miss Lucie Leigh Barnes Baltimore, Md. Col. D. Hottenstein Camp Polk, La. Miss Bertha S. Adkins Bradford, Mass. Henry Gilligan Washington, D. C.
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