Page 54 - YB1943
P. 54
JUNIOR C LAS S Turnley, historja1~; Mansberger, -presMe1tt; Patten, treas- urer; Price, secretary; O'Keefe, -utce-prestdeut What We Were .. been so absorbed in our roles that time has 'Twas a beautiful September day in the fall slipped through our fingers like the proverbial of 1940. There was no war then. and even the sands, and we pause awhile in retrospection. Is campus seemed at peace. content to be the star time going faster? Has the war speeded it up of the "show" which was in progress that day. as it has speeded up production? But no, the For it was registration day. and all about the same things went on this year-registration. grounds were people and more people. some of football. R.O.T.C. drills. the Christmas dance whom Western Maryland College was to claim and vacation. basketball. the splendor of the later as her alumni It was like the moment Military Ball. our own prom, baseball, May JUSt before the curtain rises on a memorable play Day-we had all that. The answer to the -the stage was set. the principal characters were whole mystery of where it has all gone must lie well rehearsed in their lines: and breathlessly in the fact that we haven't had time to take note we looked forward to the first act. of time. We have been too busy being juniors. Recalling freshman week is fun. We were. Being a junior is a job. Though the year figuratively. "kings and queens for a day No passed quickly we learned our job and are proud debutante has been subject to more teas. parties. of our accomplishments. True, our number is and receptions than we bowed our ways through smaller. The army and the other influences of that week. We were made to realize "The war have reduced our size but they also Importance of Being a Freshman at W.M.C." strengthened our determination to live up to the That is. until the upper-classmen returned and goals we set and have thus far maintained since taught us "How Unfortunate to be a Freshmen the play began in 1940. We have learned what at W.M.C." "Air raid!" was the signal for a it is to be a junior-we had fun along the way, sudden affection for the ground among our men. but we did the job. Now the important and we marveled at the ingenious schemes thing is cooked up to "help us become oriented" What We Will Be .. It seemed almost no time before Ace 1 was Act IV coming up. We will be seniors, For over and we were even marc enthusiastically three ye~rs we have eyed the position with awe awaiting Act II. Sophomores! Even the word and anticipation. Now that it is so near we gave us increased assurance of our potentialities have reason to regret it. in a way. If it is a We cheered our classmates in the varsity spans, good play. ones hates to see the end of it ap- and the fairer sex among us weathered sorority proach: and we have enjoyed this one. initiations with becoming sophomore dignity. "Where, oh where, are the grand old seniors?" The role was becoming more familiar to us now. We looked bored at the proper times, informed As we watch them in their stately caps and the freshmen of the college traditions as though gowns march into Alumni Hall. we reflect that they were an old. old story to us. It was not they may be in all parts of the globe before we all play, however. The war and our new status are weanng the robes next, We wonder if they both served to make us aware of our responsi- do .not envy us just a bit, even as we envy them bilities as students of W.M.C. and as soon-to-be a little. also, Our best wishes go with them. leaders an the "Hill" We are glad to have known them-we'll never What We Are forget them We are juniors about to become seniors. The play will reach its climax before long. We have to ~ees~n~l~~:~.acts have been finished: one is yet 50
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