Page 152 - YB1943
P. 152
TRADITION For mare ,ho~ holf a century PO~';9C ho. been producing QUALITY prinring plat .., for "II type, of publicotion wor~ and h,,, "'Iobl;,hed " reputation f"r dependable .ervice which ;. unexcelled among pholo·engroveu. Every where Pontiac yeorboo~ ,,,,,ice men hove become known for Iheir friendly, helpiul o"i.lonce and or"recogni."d lor their gbilily""pecio li,j.inlhe ,ehool publicolion field It h". become "An Amerkon Trodjl;on" f"r .chool. to select Pontiac o. Iheir engraver yeoraf'e, year, wilh Ih re.ult Ihoi'he number of annual. handled byPonl,,,c ho. "eodily increased. Hundred. "flhese.loFf,hove developed distinctive becks wilh the a"i,tance 01 Pontiac ",Hsts and hove gained ,ecognition lo,Ih"originalityand.uccessolthei,pub Ikation. Th.. enti,e pe"onnel 01 Ponliac Eng,aving& ElectrotypeCo .• alu tethe publi,h .." of thi. boo~ 10, th.. ir ,plendid ..lfo," in producing a line year book. Th.. y invil .. other ,chool. to join the thou~ondl af 'oti,lied Pontiac client. lar o"i,'once in ihe 5alutian af their engraving problem. Pontiac.ervedostheOlficial Engroverto PONTIAC ENGRAVING AND ELECTROTYPE CO. 812-822 WEST VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS
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