Page 11 - YB1943
P. 11
WiLLIAM ROBERTS McDANIEL. vice-presi- 1/P""' dent and treasurer of Western Maryland ~I { College 1895-1942. These duties were merely the beginnings of his contributions to the college. Dr. McDaniel may be cited as having devoted his life to the attainment of an ideal: that ideal was Western Maryland College. Graduating in 1880. salutatorian of his class. "Billy Mac", as he was known to his friends. taught only one year away from Western Maryland. In 1881 he was back again, this time as an instructor in mathe- matics. From that year until his death. he worked enthusiastically and whole-heartedly for his Alma Mater. Dr. McDaniel die not limit himself to the scholastic angle of college life. Unusually versatile. he organized and taught the Sunday School for twenty-five years, was especially active in promoting the physical education curriculum, and for a short time, during the absence of Dr. Lewis, he filled tbe office of president. After Dr. Lewis' death, Dr. Me- Daniel was urged CO accept the duties of president, but this he declined. In his years of service to Western Maryland, Dr. McDaniel's interest in young people and his high hopes for them never waned. Because his life typifies the best ideals of our college: because his interests were one with Western Maryland: because he symbolizes our growth and development: we dedicate to the late William Roberts McDaniel our ALOHA-Western Maryland College-1943.
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