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Theodore M~rshall Whil'field, A.B., Ph.D., Professor of History Lawrence Calvin Littl-e, A.B .. A.M., D.D., Professor of Philosophy and Religion Percy Lee Sadler, Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, Professor of Military Science and Tactics Edwin Clair Mirise, A.B., ItS., A.M., Professor of Library Science Charles Manly Walton, Colonel, Infantry, Professor of Military Science and Tactics Minnie Marsden Wnrd, A.B., A.M., Librarian Sara Elizabeth Smith, A.B., A.M., Ed. D., Associate Professor of Education Edwin Kcich Schempp, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administ rntion Hugh Barnette Speir, A.B., A.M., Associate Professor of Physical Education William Robbins Ridingron. A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Classics Daisy Willilifred Smith, B.S., A.M., Associate Professor of Home Economics Kathryn Belle Hildebran, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages Esther Smith (/lIII/'ri('l1ll AcudclIIY of Dranmt ic Arts), Associate Professor of Dramatic Art Mabel Blanche Harris, A.n., Assisraru Professor of Music Dean White Hendrickson, A.13. A.M., Assistant Professor of English Cloyd Lawrence Bcnnighof. ItS., M.S., Assistant Professor of Biology Marie Parker, 8.5., Assistant Professor of Physical Education Frank Benjamin Hurt, A.B., A.M., Evelyn Wingate Wenner, A.B., A.M., Assistun r Professor of Polirical Science Assistant Professor of English Addie Belle Robb, B.S., A.M., Bertha Sheppard Adkins, A.B., Assistant Professor of History Dean of \X'omen and Assistant Professor of "Hugh Larimer Elderdicc, Jr., A.n., A.M., Reading Assistant Professor of Chemistry Lincoln Forrest Free, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Margaret Juli~ Snader. A.B., A.M., Dean of Men and Assistant Professor of Assistant Professor of Modern Languages Astronomy and Mnr hematics John Donald 'M:1kosky, A.B., A.M., James Pearsall Earp, B.S., A.M., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English Assistant Professor of Sociology Evelyn Lelia Mudge, B.S., Ed. D., Montgomery J. Shroyer. Ph.B., S.T.B., A.M., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education Assistant Professor of Biblical Literature
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