Page 121 - YB1941
P. 121
ffilJ Again it was Hausler who scored in his indio annexed game and with his partner, vidual best ball for the lone Terror score as the locals Par 34 ... forget the rest absorbed a 7 to 2 defeat. Faced with the difficult problem of preserv- The tables were turned, however, as Ceuys- ing last year's fine record of but six losses in burg College visited the local links and with fifteen matches, Coach John Makosky and five individuals shooting low scores, the Green Captain Neil Eckenrode molded a fine group and Gold took the match 7 to 2, Hausler and who perf armed nobly under the colors of the Holloway gained the first three points and Green and Gold. Notable 011 the team was their feat was duplicated by Lavin and Phil. the freshman combination of Dick Hausler, lips, Captain Eckenrode topped the day's Woody Preston, and Fred Holloway who scoring as he captured his match, 9 and 8. played the three top ranking positions. Beaver Dam Country Club plus the Univer- Behind this trio was Eckenrode, Tommie sity of Maryland divot lifters proved too much Lavin, Rip Hudson, Mike Phillips and John for the Makoskites. The College Park aggre- Pirie, the last quartet alternating at the num- gation captured an 8112 to 112 decision, The ber five and six slots. The campaign opened the second week in April at Kenwood Country Club in the District of Columbia as the Terrors matched the strong George Washington University link- men. Hausler at number one captured the first match and teamed with Holloway for a halve-point as they halved best ball, while Hudson also came through with a win. The powerful Colonials, however, gained a 61/ 2 to 2112 decision as their second and third four- somes gained best ball plus individual triumphs. On April 17, the team again took to the road and engaged Franklin and Marshall Col- Iege, at the Overbrook Club in Lancaster. ~::!;,~~~,Lav;n, Hud!!(}n, Eckenrode (CnpLa;n), Holloway, Mr. Mako"ky (Coach), Hausler, Holloway, Pr~"ton, liausler, Eckenrode, Lav;n, lone Western Maryland tally came as Preston and Eckenrode halved best hall in their four. some. One of the season's highlights came early in the campaign when the Tenors met the strong University of Baltimore club at Hills. dale in Baltimore. The feature match of the day was between Hausler and Otto Greiner, intercollegiate champion) and the latter was forced to shoot a 73 to whip the local young. ster, who carded a 74 for the 18 hole course. Although Captain Eckenrode slopped Tom Tawney and Lavin again secured a victory, the Bees managed to capture the match 5 to 4,
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