Page 63 - YB1940
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SOPHOMORE (JLASS school affairs, eager enough to appreciate our HISTORY opportunities, friendly enough to take our part in the good times of the campus, and cocky enough to give the freshmen-and our- selves-a store of laughable memories. Octo~er 19, returning students execut. We have been nearly a year taking the com- mg registration. Freshmen? No, indeed! plete inventory of the significance of being a We could hardly remember that freshman sophomore. When Easter and spring vaca- feeling except perhaps that first probing tion were over, we found it a sad and solemn out a place for ourselves in the pattern of task to sing "A Mighty Fortress" to our campus life, and the treacherous benevolence sister class .. caps and gowns for the class of the sophomores. We were impressionable that had had the greatest responsibility in then; ~hose days will never fade from our introducing our school to us and the reali- memories. zation that next year we shall have the same Had we changed? Here was H new term, responsibility toward a new class in Western new opportunities, new courses, new faces, Maryland. and a new class to fill the place our class had Our college life is half over ... two years left. Class population had changed sifted are finished and behind us. Next year will down a bit ... shifted locations altered mean a new shuffling of our values and activi- ways and manners. CJass personality had ties, a new inventory, and a new class history. evolved into something of the expected soph- And the year after that. omore type. increased activity in campus LUCIE LEIGH BARNES organizations ... added hours of study. widened scope of interest. Old "treacherous benevolence" was back, but this year the reins fell into our eager, paddle-flourishing hands. Class prestige has developed ... our first class officers .. our first class function. Around Hallowe'en, we planned the Sopho, more-Freshman party. With the school OFFICERS supporting us, with Cap'n Kidd's music (he's PHILIP BECHTEL a sophomore too), with the cider and dough, P"uid~>I' nuts not only delicious but delivered in suffici- LUCIE LEIGH BAnNES ency .. could the party have been anything Fiu·Pruid'>l1 but the success it was? Throughout the pro- ROBE) longed and bitter winter, throats, eyes, and ears were all exercised encouraging, watching, ELMER EVANS and listening to sophomores on the varsities ... boxing to debating. HARny R.",KEH Srrg~""I."I·dml' Sophomores, supposedly, can be distin- guished for their assurance, self-confidence, Born,", l"iu_l'n,idm/; Robey, &,,·,Iary; Bechtel, Pru"'ent; and cockiness. This year we ha ve tried to be Boker, S~rge",u-aI_a>'JlH' E"on" Treasurer. confident enough to throw ourselves into
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