Page 42 - YB1940
P. 42
ltlahel Anna Fowler Mabel, alwa~s ca,lm and cheerful with an inevitable twinkle in those "big, brown eyes" .. a conscrennous student, but modest concerning her various accomplishments. lUarie Octavia Fox A qU,iet .and cooperative Miss with a serious sense ofhumor .•. can often be seen workmg 10 the library ... has an odd subject combination of French and mathematics. Eleanor Brian Gaither Tin~ ... perfect sense of humor ... d'ivides her time between W.M.C. and Baltimore ... adores ice~skating with Bill ... does more worrying than work. Samuel Cairnes Galhrea'th Sam causes m,any, a feminine heart to flutter ... debonair and sauve, .. but sometimes forgets more delicate manners on the soccer field. Tldrly-eig",
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