Page 32 - YB1940
P. 32
\Villiam E(lward Beatty Quiet, easy_going Bill ... likes his math and sciences but is quite fond of music, too ... always a staunch supporter of the Sunday School and the S. C. A. Ilerlllall Samuel Beek, Jr. His pe.~petual grin is very in~ectious, but ".Henn:' can turn out top grade material when he gets serious ... delights in devising "systems." Lelllley E(lward Bee, Jr. Takes .every.thin~,.seriouslr,-orehcstra, band,. military, and girl_friend ... puts his all mto mterfrat games .. changmg moods but steadfast heart. KatlleriJle lIoward nerry A variety ofinterests-\\:e~t Point, Fre~ch programs, Gold Bug, tennis, poetry ... short, affectionate, With dimples and a Southern accent. Twmly-tighl
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