Page 86 - YB1939
P. 86
A yearbook is not a piece of work that is compiled hastily or without much effort. Many months of work, which seemed endless at times, have finally been culminated with this publication as the reader sees it now. The success that it is, or will be, can now be judged. The staff has done its best. It is obvious that a piece of work which is so inclusive and varied could not be done entirely by a very small and limited staff. Excellent cooperation was needed and it was always given. Many more students than those listed in the masthead have contributed their services. Only lack of space prevents the naming of each and everyone. However, the staff wishes to express its sincere gratitude to all those contributors. The services and advice of Mr. Hyman Zamsky of the Zamsky Studios and Mr. Edward Leahy of the National En- graving Company have proved invaluable. Special thanks must be given to Mr. Harold White of The Horn-Shafer Company with- out whose work and cooperation this book could never have been published. SCHAEFFER OLEAIR Eighty-two
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